

  • 6 lžic kečup
  • 1 stroužek česnek, větší, rozmačkaný
  • 3 lžíce sójová omáčka
  • 4 plátky vepřová kýta, zbavená přebytečného tuku
  • 4 ks bok choy, podélně rozpůlené

Postup přípravy

  • KROK 1

    In a large bowl, mix together the ketchup, garlic and soy sauce, then add the pork and rub the sauce into it. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes, meanwhile preheat the grill to medium high.

  • KROK 2

    Place the marinated meat on a non-stick baking sheet and grill for 10 minutes, turning and basting with the rest of the sauce until cooked through.

  • KROK 3

    Heat a large pan and heat the bok choi with a little soy sauce in it for about 2 minutes. Then divide it between plates, add a slice of meat and serve immediately.
