Jahodový kompot s lívanečky
- Příprava a čas vaření
- Příprava
- Vaření
- + chlazení
- Snadné
- Na 4 porce
- 500 g jahodyzralé, očištěné
- 4 lžíce krupicový cukr
- 2 lžíce citronová šťáva
- pár kapek balzamikový ocet(lze vynechat)
Na lívanečky
- 25 g máslo
- 140 g mouka pšeničná hladká
- 1 lžička kypřicí prášek do pečivasmíchaný s moukou
- 1 špetka sůl
- 1 lžíce krupicový cukr+ navíc na obalení (cukr na obalení může být ochucen vanilkou, skořicí, kardamomem...)
- 1 ks vejce
- 1 lžička vanilkový extrakt
- 150 ml mléko
- vanilková zmrzlinak podávání
Nutriční hodnoty: na porci
- kcal332
- tuky8g
- nasycené4g
- sacharidy60g
- cukry35g
- vláknina3g
- proteín7g
- sůl0.7g
Postup přípravy
krok 1
Cut the strawberries in half or quarters if they are large and place in a saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves, then bring to a boil. Cover the pot with a lid and cook the strawberries for 3 minutes or until they are dark red and syrupy. Allow to cool, then add balsamic vinegar if desired. Compote can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
krok 2
If you want to make fritters, they will have the best taste and golden color if you fry them in clarified butter. Melt the butter slowly in a small saucepan, then pour the clear yellow layer into the mug. Discard the white precipitates.
krok 3
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and stir in the sugar. Make a hole in the middle, crack the egg into it, add vanilla and a little milk. Beat until smooth, then beat in the remaining milk. Place a few extra tablespoons of granulated sugar in a shallow dish to coat the fritters.
krok 4
Heat a non-stick pan, then add a drop of clarified butter and swirl the pan around to spread the butter all over the surface. Using a spoon, make about 7cm fritters from the dough in the pan (with sufficient spacing). As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, turn the fritter over and fry until they puff up in the middle. Keep warm while you roast the rest. Drop the fritters into the prepared sugar and coat. Serve with strawberry compote and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.