

  • 2 ks cuketa, ideálně 1 žlutá a 1 zelená
  • 4 lžíce olivový olej
  • 2 ks čekanka
  • 1 lžička cukr

Na zálivku

  • 2 lžíce olivová tapenáda
  • citronová šťáva z 1/2 citronu
  • 2 lžíce vinný ocet červený
  • 3 lžíce olivový olej
  • olivy černé (Kalamata)
  • kapary

Postup přípravy

  • KROK 1

    Cut the courgettes diagonally into slices about 1 cm thick. Season with salt, pepper and drizzle with half the oil. Split the chicory. Season with salt, pepper and sugar and drizzle with the remaining oil.

  • KROK 2

    Heat a pan, then place the vegetables in a single layer and roast for about 10 minutes, turning as needed, until tender. Remove to a large serving plate.

  • KROK 3

    Mix the olive paste with lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil (no need for seasoning). Drizzle the resulting dressing over the vegetables, sprinkle with olives, capers and serve.
