
  • 1 Zelí sweetheart
    (asi 500 g)
  • 2 lžíce olivového oleje
  • 1 velká cibule
    nakrájená na tenké plátky
  • 1 lžíce másla
  • 1 lžíce jablečný ocet
    nebo šťáva z ½ citronu

Nutriční hodnoty: na porci

  • kcal144
  • tuky9g
  • nasycené3g
  • sacharidy9g
  • cukry8g
  • vláknina6g
    bohatý na
  • proteín4g
  • sůl0.1g

Postup přípravy

  • krok 1

    Quarter the head of cabbage and cut it into strips 0.5-1 cm wide, from the tip to the base. Throw away the broom.

  • krok 2

    In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, heat the oil over high heat and fry the chopped onion and cabbage for 5-6 minutes, stirring, until the cabbage starts to stick in places. Reduce the heat, add the butter, a little salt and pepper and simmer for another 4-5 minutes until the cabbage is soft. Season with vinegar or lemon juice as needed and serve immediately.

Prescription type

This recipe uses olive oil, but a drizzle of sesame oil is also delicious if you're serving the cabbage as a side to something sweet or spicy, like hot chicken wings or sticky pork ribs.
